Frequently Asked Questions

What is an Open or Expired Permit?

An open and/or expired permit is one that has not received an approved final inspection by a building trade inspector.

Do Expired permits constitue a lien on my house?

Generally, no. Although, if ignored, they could generate a fine and eventually a lien.

Why would I, as a seller, want to close expired or open city, county, or state permits?

Title companies want open city, county, or state permits closed to avoid problems down the road where a buyer might come back and sue them.

If the permit was issued to a previous owner, why am I asked to close it?

Permit issues remain with the physical property. They inure to (pass to) any subsequent owner.

What should I do if I find there are open or expired building permits on my property?

While you can go about trying to close those open or expired building permits on your own, we recommend using a professional to save time and money.

What geographic areas does Open Permit Services work in?

When we started our business 20 years ago, we only serviced SW Miami-Dade. Now we serve the entire State of Florida for building permits. 

Can you help legalize work which was done withoout a permit?

Absolutely. Legalizing work without a permit represents about 30% of what we do. In fact, we've become quite proficient at this.